“Failed by tyranny of norm”

There is a particularly candid article currently featuring on the Guardian website, “The young people failed by society’s tyranny of the norm”, written by a young woman who has a severely autistic brother. The article reveals her views as a family member of a young person on the Autistic Spectrum and the experiences her family […]
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Fulfilled Days

We came across an article on the USA Today website which highlights a work incentive set up in California, USA by parents for their adult children with Autism. These parents have got together and set up various social enterprises to employ their children by creating bespoke jobs which play to their own personal strenghts, i.e. […]
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Why I Fear for my Daughter

A recent article in The Spectator magazine clearly highlights some of the many worries parents fear when looking at their children’s futures within adult social care in the current climate. “Why I fear for my daughter” written by Ross Clark talks through some of the harsh realities that parents face such as budget cuts, funding […]
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Specialist Care Awards 2013

We are happy to share that Home From Home Care has been selected as a finalist in the prestigious Laing & Buisson Specialist Care Awards 2013, nominated in the category for best Care Home Provider. Laing & Buisson organise these events to recognise and honour the extraordinary success and hard work throughout the independent sector. Results will be announced […]
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Choosing a Placement

A very informative article appeared in the September 2011 issue of Progress Magazine on Choosing a Placement. Click on the link to view the full article: www.progressmagazine.co.uk